Tremendously appreciated: 170 CIO´s (chief technology officers) at the CIOCITY 2015 “CIO of the Year Award” conference in Brussels rated Jazzcode 3.9 on a scale from 1-4 where 4=Excellent. An elite group of senior leaders from all over Europe gathered for two days at a five star hotel in Brussels. This included CIOs from Fortune 500 companies such as Coke, Audi and others. Our talk on how to successfully manage complex situations requiring collaboration and timing (using jazz examples and featuring live music), was well received. Here is what the client wrote:
Your speech was tremendously appreciated by the audience. With 92% of ‘excellent’ scores (and 100% of good to excellent), this is rather an achievement:
(Norwegian testimonials) – Client list
Alan Webber talks about Carl Størmer´s Jazzcode after having heard Carl at Business innovation factory (#BIF9).
McKinsey & Co. director Tore Myrholt about the Jazzcode: I was utterly inspired. Jazzcode is relevant for everyone in professional organizations. It is great entertainment – great in the moment and you remember it.
Gordon Cairns was the CEO of Australian Lion Nathan, a public company. We both spoke at an Australian partner conference for a global accounting firm and he was kind enough to talk about the JazzCode: Highly relevant and shows the leadership model of the 21st century where leadership is shared and rotated in a team. People did not want to stop clapping.
Testimonial from recent speach for Novartis Nordic Winter Conference in Bergen, Norway:
Here is the audience rating of the Novartis session mentioned above: 43% rated it “Fantastic” and 25% rated it “Very Good”.
Recently we facilitated an offsite with a small management team for DnB NOR in New York. Here is what the client wrote after the session:
“Carl and his JazzCode team made our management offsite really memorable, and I believe we already see a difference in our behavior pre- and post the JazzCode experience. This was a first step in an attempt to start transforming how we as a team interact and manage our business. We wanted to team with a partner who understood our organization, could related to the cultural dimensions and bring new ideas to a diversified and experienced team. I believe we hit bulls eye. The combination of the Harvard Business School case, the JazzCode Live session and our discussion around the “Stormer Framework for Interaction” – my interpretation of Carl’s model, triggered interesting conversations and ideas to analyze further. We are very grateful for JazzCode giving us such a solid push in the right direction. The key for us now is to follow through on our action items, and loop back to our discussions to keep the ideas alive. I will not be surprised if we continue exploring ways to improve how we work as a team with Carl.”
“As a side note I’d like to add that the musical performance in itself was an exceptional experience. Cameron Brown, Bruce Barth and Carl created an intimate and unique experience for our team that triggered renewed interest in Jazz. A sincere thank you for that.”
Nils Boelset Senior
Vice President
DnB NOR Bank ASA, New York Branch
Robert D. Austin is professor at Harvard Business School and also at the Copenhagen Business School. He co-wrote the Miles Davis case for Harvard Business School together with Carl Størmer, principal at JazzCode. In this clip he talks about innovation and what we can learn from the JazzCode: It gives insight into what happens in organizations that need to innovate to survive. JazzCode helps you undertand the essence of innovation and the group process of innovation.
Associate principal at the Oslo office of a leading management consulting firm about the JazzCode: “It changed how I listen to clients”.
Australian business analyst, Joy Park talks about hearing JazzCode twice:
London Business School Professor Yiorgos Mylonadis describes his experience with the JazzCode
Read how a participant describes JazzCode.
A London based participant talks about the JazzCode after a morning session with 300 people:
London based programme manager, David M. talks about being sceptical to jazz